Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Chatoic Christmas Eve

I love the holidays, spending time with family and traditions. I love to do old Traditions and start new ones.

My family for as long as I can remember always makes tamales on Christmas Eve and eats them on Christmas Day. The first year I had Christmas with my husbands family was my first traditional Christmas dinner. I remember calling home and telling my mom, "Guess what, I got to have Thanksgiving twice this year." I knew that a tamale dinner wasn't people's normal Christmas dinner, but I had never thought about what was considered an average dinner. So when we had turkey, cranberry, mashed potatoes, rolls, and pie I thought I was the luckiest person ever to have 2 Thanksgivings that year.

Last year we went and saw Monsters inc. with our kids on Christmas Eve. So this year the kids asked if we could start a new tradition and go see a movie on Christmas Eve again. Why not? So we ended up seeing Frozen in 3D with my sister and her kids. It was way fun, and good. I love musicals, which I didn't realize this had so much singing in it, I was in heaven. Not to mention the voice talents of Kirstin Bell and Idina Menzel, it was amazing!

Then we drove through the lights and Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. Then went home and had a yummy rib dinner and finished the night with the Christmas story from the Bible. Growing up I always wanted to open 1 present on Christmas Eve like all my friends talked about doing, but never was able to convince my parents. So when my husband told me that was his tradition growing up, I was thrilled to carry it on. So yes we are like the many millions who open pajamas on Christmas Eve, to make up for the years I wish we did as a family.

So yes it was a very full and fun day. I did it on purpose. That night all my kids were asleep within 5 minutes of tuck in, that has got to be some kind of Christmas Eve record! I purposely wore them plump out!