Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Post Halloween Candy Controversey

Post Halloween Trick Or Treating Candy 

There are a lot of moms or  parents that get together and have the following discussion; How do you let your kids eat their Halloween candy?  Sometimes we get a opinions from parents, in-laws, other family members, neighbors, dentists or even just random strangers.  So what's the answer?
Do you put it all in one bowl for all your kids to share?
Do you let them try and eat it all in one night?
Do you let each child keep their own candy? To each their own?
Do you eat half of it and claim you don't know where the rest went?
Do you buy it back from them?
Do you make gingerbread houses with it?
There's lots of different ways to do it.  Often I think we place too much guilt on ourselves and sometimes (knowingly or unknowingly) on other parents. What is the answer? There are plenty of pros and cons to all these options and more. What thing do we leave out when we sit and way our options when trying to decide? The kids. That's right the kids. I know you are thinking about what is best for your kids when deciding on a plan. My point is, we leave out the fact that all kids are different when we advise others on this topic. How I choose to parent my kids is different than how you choose to parent yours. There are many different reasons to why this is, but one major factor is because my kids are different than yours. My kids each react differently to sugar, decisions, responsibility and more. So what works best for me and my kids, won't work best for you and your kids.
My point is don't feel bad if you let your kid sit and eat it all in one night. Don't feel bad if you only let your kids have 2 pieces a day. You know your kids better than anyone. It's ok to share ideas and options with others, but lets be careful to how we do it. Let's not assume our way is the best way. Just because it is the best way for your family, doesn't mean its the best for everyone elses!
With that being said, Happy Post-Halloween Candy Eating! Especially if your son brought home almost 8 lbs of it himself. Eat up and feel guilt free with whatever you choose to do with it. Unless you hand it out as candy next year, that's just gross!

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